Pride and Protest
ARE YOU PROUD? by Ashley Joiner

Are You Proud? celebrates Pride, it explores the joys and division of the LGBTQ+ protest movement of then and now
Statement by Ashley Joiner:
A few years ago, when a partner’s mother, a LGBTQ+ activist, asked whether I would be attending Pride, I answered with a resounding “No”. I felt a total disconnect to what I perceived Pride to be. Her response was: “You don’t know your history!”. She was right – I didn’t. I had no knowledge of Section 28 and knew only of rumours and lies regarding the AIDS crisis. Exploring our history has helped me to understand why I grew up as an isolated young gay man filled with shame and fear. I knew I had to make this film in the effort to prevent anyone else feeling that way.
Are You Proud? is an exploration of a community that has tirelessly campaigned for my existence; the lives and battles fought that aren’t discussed or taught in schools, of a community that I am a part of, and is a part of me.
This is the film I needed to see when I was a child, and as a young gay man coming out. Making this film has emboldened me to continue the fight that so many have fought before me, and I hope that it encourages others to do the same.
There will be Q&A screenings with Ashley Joiner and contributors around the UK from July. The first event is on 2nd July Genesis Cinema Mile End (in association with Fringe Fest) follow by 3rd July at Picturehouse Central.
Details (click on screening tab)

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