
Mascarpone a film by Alessandro Guida and Matteo Pilati

Handsome Antonio (Giancarlo Commare) seizes a second chance in life when he is suddenly dumped by his husband. Needing a place to stay, a fulfilling job and a new purpose, luck leads Antonio to larger-than-life flatmate Denis (Eduardo Valdarnini) and a bakery owned by the sexy Luca (Gianmarco Saurino). It is through these new-found friendships, Rome’s bustling gay scene and a previously dormant passion for pastry cuisine that Antonio realises how much of himself he sacrificed in his past relationship, and how much there is still to enjoy in life when circumstances set you free.

MASCARPONE is a new gay romantic comedy that blends delicious food, high drama and cheeky humour in a way only the Italians know how.

Chicago Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival – Best Narrative Feature (Winner)

Cinema Diverse, US – Director’s Choice (Winner), Festival Favourite (Winner)

Cast: Giancarlo Commare, Eduardo Valdarnini, Gianmarco Saurino, Michela Giraud
Directors: Alessandro Guida, Matteo Pilati
Language: Italian, English, French
Subtitles: English
Running Time: 101 mins
Year: 2022